colleague wouldn’t believe that anyone in the right
mind would pay 21 bucks for this book which I proudly paraded
in the office.
But upon
reading the first few pages of this book from “The Simpsons
Library of Wisdon”, she found herself giggling at the
enjoyably juvenile fun that appears on every other page.
Wiggum (okay, it’s Matt Groening doing all the writing)
enlightens us mere mortals on poetry, homemade presents, science,
love, leprechauns, and embrace yourself for this – nose
picking. It doesn’t matter whether you are 12 or 120;
the good-natured stupidity of this book will have provide
you with endless fun and laughter. It helps that Ralph looks
adorably retarded with his innocently big eyes and bowl-cut
out how dangerously violent his summer vacation was, how his
dream house should include a piranha pond and a tower to put
a princess, how he looks when he’s delighted/angry/surprised/confident/anxious,
and how he wants to be Mr. Lisa Simpson when he grows up.
Ralph may not be the smartest kid you know. The book he (can
we just pretend that it’s not Groening’s brilliant
creation?) writes isn’t as intellectual as The Da Vinci
Code or exciting as Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
But I think it’s a must-own for any self-respecting
humour-genre collector.
my colleague thinks so too.
Backyard Buddies: I have lots of friends who I play with...
until they run away. But when I’m alone, I don’t
hardly cry much, because I can always play with my…
Robby the Rocket Ship (He takes me to the Moon and smells
like thrown-up M & Ms inside); Horny Toad (Only, Daddy
says to call him “Get It On” toad, because “horny”
is a bad word. He used to crawl around a lot, but now he’s
always sleeping. I painted him purple!); Bart Simpson (But
he only comes over to play “Hide Ralph in the prickly
bushes”- or when Daddy gets a new supply of tear gas
Wiggum is the boy you’d want to bully and love at the
same time. His book is a hoot. Go on, we know you want to
own all the books in “The Simpsons Library of Wisdom”
by John Li