Mandy Lane is an unattainable object of adolescent lust for all the boys in her high school. Invited on a weekend away to a remote ranch, shy Mandy sees it as a chance to cement some new formed friendships. As night falls, joints are rolled, kegs are drunk and pills are popped with Mandy maintaining a polite distance from all of the debauchery. She thinks the drunken 'come-ons' will be the worst of it but she is horrifyingly mistaken. As events take a turn for the worse, it becomes clear that a secret admirer is harbouring some terrifying ulterior motives.
Why do all the boys love Mandy Lane? Is it because of how virginal she looks? Or is it because of her nice and soft golden hair? Maybe her white top which is seemingly transparent has a mysterious allure that makes, well, all the boys love her? Judging from how boys are going head over heels over this girl named Mandy Lane (there’s a nice ring to that name too), we had to watch this slasher flick to find out what’s the big deal about her – fully aware that there is nothing new we’ll take away from the been there done that horror genre.
The movie starts off with Mandy Lane at a pool party with her close friend, who is an outcast. A terrible accident results in the death of an arrogant school jock. Nine months later, we see Mandy Lane (we love the sound of her name so much that we are mentioning her full name every time we refer to her) at a weekend party in an isolated ranch with a group of new friends. They will die one by one, and how does this concern Mandy Lane? You have to watch to find out.
You may have seen plenty teen slasher flicks, and are knowledgeable enough to know the structure of these disposable movies (teens have sex, teens are murdered one by one by a mysterious killer, teens regret what they have done many years ago – too late), but this one features Mandy Lane, and that’s one main reason you’ll feel compelled (helps if you are of the male species) to sit through the movie’s entire 90 minutes.
Ever heard of Amber Heard? No? We haven’t either. She plays Mandy Lane with such magical virginal quality, it holds the entire picture together. There’s a fascinating temptation every time she appears on screen, whatever she is doing – be it a simple action like looking forlornly at the camera, or more exciting things like changing into her bathing suit.
The cinematography by Darren Genet (his filmography includes other dubiously movies named “Love Shack” and “Dirty Mary”) is aptly dreamy, and captures the mysterious charm that shrouds the movie. The constant use of the sun’s glaring and blinding flares nicely complements the teen’s excitement and naughtiness at the weekend hideout.
Director Jonathan Levine (we have seen his “The Wackness”, a fine film about drug use starring Ben Kingsley) knows how to (s)exploit what he has and make it appealing to today’s young generation, although you know it’s the same old bag of tricks when the “twist” is revealed and the end credits roll.
This Code 3 DVD contains no extra features – what a pity because we wanted to know about Mandy Lane.
The disc’s visual transfer is somewhat grainy, and the movie is presented in its original English dialogue.

by John Li