Brendan Fraser stars in this action-packed adventure based on the Jules Verne classic that is sure to deliver fun for the whole family! On a hunch to find the center of the earth, Trevor Anderson, his nephew and their tour guide make a breakthrough discovery that launches them on a thrilling journey into the unknown. On a scramble to find their way back, the group travels through a never-before-seen world, encountering creatures and objects never imagined.
With the backing of major studios and exhibitors, 3D technology
seems to be the next in-thing to draw the crowds after the
introduction of digital surround sound in the nineties and
digital prints in the past years.
updated movie version of the Jules Verne novel "Journey
to the Center of the Earth" starring Brendan Fraser relies
heavily on this novelty even though most audiences outside
the States has little access to the 3D version of it.
stars as Trevor Anderson, a volcanologist who accidentally
discovered the notes left by his long-lost brother might be
clues that could possibly lead to his last whereabouts. He
decided to fly to Iceland to seek the truth within minutes
after the opening. Along for the ride is his nephew, Sean
(Josh Hutcherson from Bridge to Terabithia) and a climber’s
guide, Hannah (Icelandic actress Anita Briem). Given the big
hoo-ha of the much touted 3D effects, the filmmakers waste
no time in fast tracking the story and setting up of the characters
(in fact there’s only three for most of the running
time) and before you actually dipped yourself into your popcorns,
our adventurers are thrown into one coaster ride after another.
we can only view this in 2D, I can only imagined the queasy
and thrills as the characters spin their way out of an abandoned
mine on a cart. I presumed we should stretch our hands to
touch the weird looking creatures such as flies, a cute bird
and gigantic oceanic monsters as they come swirling towards
bare of the 3D effects, the movie itself is a bland showcase
of visual effects and abundant usage of bluescreen technology.
The digital backgrounds do marvel at certain junctures but
as the case of the Star Wars prequels, your eyes do get a
bit sore after a while. Brendan Fraser who exudes a goofy,
big brother personality and well-known for battling mummies
and working alongside CG characters in "Monkeybone"
and "Looney Tunes: Back in Action" turns in yet
another tiring performance.
essence of Verne’s original novel is nowhere to be seen
here, a common trend adopted by Hollywood to mundane the thinking
experience and instead selflessly serving jolts and thrill
to entertain the crowd. I have no qualms in mindless popcorn
entertainment but here the characters simply are blessed with
more luck than intellect to escape the ordeals.
"The Journey to the Center of the Earth" appeals
more to the younger crowd it’s because Walden Media,
the company behind such children-friendly flicks such as "The
Chronicles of Narnia", "Nim’s Island"
is partly responsible for it. Thus do feel free to pop in
the DVD with the kids even if yourself aren’t so delighted
by the updated movie version of Verne’s book. One you
might have read lightyears ago.
Commentary by Brendan Fraser and Director Eric Brevig
– Very little additional info is offered by the two
of them, perhaps filming primarily with CG backdrops take
away all the fun as compared to filming on actual locations.
World Within Our World: Various Historical "Hollow Earth
Theories" About What Lies Beneath Our Planet's Crust
– A 10 minutes feature which tells about a few oddballs,
sorry I meant scientist, philosopher in the past who speculated
the Earth is hollow.
Josh: Profiling 12-Year-Old Costar Josh Hutcherson
– A 6 minutes feature that details how Hutcherson spends
his day on set and in his own trailer.
To Make Dinosaur Drool – Goes to prove that
nothing beats self-made dinosaur drool not even CG.
at the Center of the Earth Challenge – Rounding
up the DVD extras are two interactive games for the little
The Code 3 DVD offers no 3D experience but an option of fullscreen
and 2D experience, in other words widescreen. Pictures are
of utmost clarity perhaps due to the high rendering of CG
graphics. The Dolby Digital 5.1 might startle the younger
ones at certain scenes especially during the explosion sequence
but the stomping of the T-Rex does make good use of the bass.
by Linus Tee