APOLLO 18 (2011)

Genre: Horror/Thriller
Director: Gonzalo López-Gallego
Cast: Warren Christie, Erica Carroll, Lloyd Owen, Ryan Robbins
RunTime: 1 hr 26 mins
Released By:  GV
Rating: PG13
Official Website: http://apollo18movie.net/

Opening Day:
29 September 2011

Synopsis: Officially, Apollo 17, launched December 17th, 1972 was the last manned mission to the moon. But a year later, in December of 1973, two American astronauts were sent on a secret mission to the moon funded by the US Department of Defense. What you are about to see is the actual footage which the astronauts captured on that mission. While NASA denies its authenticity, others say it’s the real reason we’ve never gone back to the moon.

Movie Review:

Haven’t they had enough of found footage films? At this rate, i think we may have to come up with a new genre. Yes, it’s a style of filming which it all started from that damn witch, or perhaps even something even older but unfortunately didn’t make it to the main stream, but the fad of which a certain flair that extended its stay has much to evolve as much it has to to sustain. In another words, STOP IT. Played as gimmicky as 3D in the theaters, Found footage film has become a part and parcel of the new cinematic horizon. From zombie flicks to ghost, such genre has spread it wings but not quite stretched out as yet. can you imagine a drama or a comedy done in this style? That will be interesting actually. Alas, The way its filmed has never changed except for a few variation for which only one such ground breaker comes to mind where surveillance cameras were used throughout the film.

Apollo 18, in a nutshell, can be clearly summaries (without much spoilers) of what is to come in this haunting event. 3 astronauts sent on a secret mission to the moon where their impending doom awaits. No second guessing what is to come but its what the build-up that is what matters. Now, there isn’t a hard and fast rule on how such film works on most level to become a favourite among the audience but fortunately for us, Apollo 18 manage to hit the sweet spot. Yes, after all that ranting, i not only gave in to the fact that such genre will stay for us for a long time (just how 3D has and will be) but upon readily acceptance and criticising such phenomenon and dealing it of itself, one can indulge and actually enjoy when it’s done right. So what made it work you may ask?

Setting greatly covers a majority of what makes and what breaks. Tip for future found footage film-maker, get a carefully constructed confined claustrophobic space. And what better location than a tight enclosed space shuttle and the endless dead matter of outer space. The sense of dread and despair mixed with loneliness and abandonment is easily taken in and engulf our senses as the film starts. Also to the fact that it reduces the number of stars to just who is needed for the audience to feel and invest their emotions with.

Most of the stars are rather unknowns perhaps if you’re a fan of the Syfy channel, you’ll recognise the sharpshooter, Warren Christie from the much popular series Alphas. This pretty boy has the potential jock look so no guessing needed on seeing who the saviour of the damn doom ship is steering towards. Or does he? It’s a comfortable all rounder performance among the three astronauts. Nothing groundbreaking even from the English directorial debut of Gonzalo López-Gallego who has mostly done short films and TV series. Surprisingly though, there are a few gasp moment when the credit ends to find out that the co-writer of this film was no other than Cory Goodman who helmed Priest previously and produced by Timur Bekmambetov, the director or uber action flick like Night Watch and Wanted. I guess that where the high value pieces thrown around for such an indie film came about.

Watching this film, i reckon there will be extremist on refusing to acknowledge the existence of this horror. true, acting was no where near Oscar worthy, The beginning was rather stretched out and draggy but i went in with my expectation of nothing but what it’s worth and that's how everyone should be. On the flip-side, among the high praises of such production, there were some down fall of it which was rather negligible in the long run, except one for which, where and how in the bloody hell did they retrieve all the footage which had different sources at different places. I guess no one will know, very much like what happen to Apollo 18.

Movie Rating:

(There’s a reason sometimes an overused concept can be done and make audience come back again and again. Apollo 18 has it)

Review by Lokman B S


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