I LOVE HONG KONG 2012 (2012)

Genre: Comedy
Director: Chung Shu Kai, Chin Kok Wai
Cast: Eric Tsang, Teresa Mo, Bosco Wong, Stanley Fung, Denise Ho, Siu Yam Yam, William So, Mak Cheung-ching, 6 Wing, Vivian Zhang, Louis Yuen, Zhu Mimi, Michelle Lo, Maggie Siu
RunTime: 1 hr 37 mins
Rating: PG (Some Sexual References)
Released By:  Clover Films & Cathay-Keris Films
Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/ilovehongkong2012

Opening Day: 
26 January 2012

Synopsis: For some, 2012 brings fear…. This is due to the many vivid interpretations that the end of the world is nearing as we enter 2012. The Kwok family is a farce, no thanks to the different personalities living under same roof. All of them have their own share of problems and the situation doesn’t improve when everyone dwells only on their differences. The patriarch of the household, Kwok Chun is an experienced weather forecaster, who had been eyeing the post of news anchor for the longest time. But due to the oppression from his rival-turned-boss, Chun never had a promotion in his 40-year tenure. While the daily squabbles within the family; Chun, his three children and his free-loading brothers, continue, Chun received earth-shattering news that the world is facing a great catastrophe. This rude shock brings awakening and Chun is determined to fix the cracks in his family before the world ends….

Movie Review:

"I love Hong Kong 2012" has hit our shores this Lunar New Year again! After the box-office successes from "72 Tenants of Prosperity" (2010) and "I love Hong Kong" in (2011), "I love Hong Kong 2012"’ is back with its spoofs and humour, though with a smaller entourage this time.

How successful a Lunar New Year movie is can be loosely gauged by its ability to generate conversations and its humour. I believe many people agree on this because in tiny little Singapore, there’s nothing much to do on the Lunar New Year holiday other than house visiting and eat, especially on the first day, as many places are closed. Other than that, one of the most common big group activity is a movie outing. On such a jovial occasion, most people join their friends and/or family at the cinema for a good laugh. Don’t underestimate the ‘generate conversation’ part. It is very important because it helps to ease the awkwardness when meet those long-time-no-see relatives and cousins (especially those residing overseas, and came back to Singapore exclusively for Lunar New Year) by having something common to talk about.

In this regard, "I love Hong Kong 2012" has scored pretty well! The movie has a variety of spoofs, jokes built on current affairs, as well as catching on one of the things that people are obsessed with finding out; whether the Mayans’ prediction is true. The rumour about the end of the world has been spreading ever since it has been popularized by the 2009 acclaimed Hollywood movie, 2012. In this movie, it sheds some light on some unscrupulous profit makers, who generate their profit by capitalizing on people’s fear of the end of the world.

Unlike the previous two movies that had a much longer list of credited cast, "I love Hong Kong 2012" has only one family and just a few more others in focus. The family consists of many interesting characters, namely a traditional and chauvinistic head of the family, the eldest daughter who is crazily obsessed with comic heroes, her candid and socially awkward husband, the butch-like second daughter who is in love with a very feminine salesman, the youngest son who hasn’t really been successful, and lastly a little brother who has been out of job since forever. The unlikely ensemble of personalities evokes laughter as you watch the family interact with one another. The assault of news on the ‘end of the world’ approaching Hong Kong becomes a trigger for them to resolve the tensions between them, and to come to accommodate each other in the end.

Moreover, the side plots that explore the relationships between different couple of people are interesting to watch as well. They mainly concern the romantic relationships between the couple of people aforementioned. Watch out for one very unexpected spoof of an immensely popular movie in 2011. It will definitely become one of the talking points you carry away from this movie!

The ending may end up a little too sappy and cheesy for some, but it is still a heart-warming and nice watch for the Lunar New Year. A simple and reasonably well executed plot with a subtle message about fixing family ties is especially poignant and sweet in this festive season. Like illustrated in the movie, very possibly, your family will be the ones who are all accepting and will stand by you no matter where you go, what you do. Last but not least, do stay on a little longer as the credits roll to catch the last ‘news’ section (the Hong Kong version of Noose)!

P.S.: In case you’re interested to read more about the myths about 2012, do refer to this link!http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/11/091106-2012-end-of-world-myths.html

Movie Rating:  


(A three star worthy movie, based on the 'he sui pian' standard!)

Review by Tho Shu Ling

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