Genre: Drama/Romance
Director: Wang Pei Hua
Cast: Sonia Sui, James Wen, Chris Wang, Amanda Zhu, Xiao Xiao Bin, Janel Cai, Ma Nien-Hsien, Jesse Tang
Runtime: 1 hr 49 mins
Rating: PG (Some Sexual References)
Released By: Clover Films & Golden Village Pictures
Official Website: 

Opening Day: 13 September 2012

Synopsis: The movie continues the story from the TV series which ended with a cliff hanger where the wife (Sonia Sui) was deciding whether to return to her cheating husband (James Wen) or have a relationship with her boss (Chris Wang). 4 years after the divorce, her cheating husband, Wen Rui Fan, comes back in hopes of re-kindling their love. Will An Zhen return back to him or move on to a new love?

Movie Review:

Following the success of the Taiwanese hit television drama series, “The Fierce Wife”, the final episode is finally out after more than a year from when the drama concluded. It was a drama series that was immensely popular and sparked a lot of conversation. Other than the outstanding performance from the cast, the storyline was also highly praised. Its popularity was not only restricted to Taiwan, the drama series also made its way to our local television channel and was equally well received. In fact, it is so popular in Singapore that the tickets for the preview of this movie were sold out in just 10 minutes.

The greatest hook of the whole drama series was probably the story line. It was a complex and exciting plot that keeps your interests high. However, that was quite lacking in this movie as the characters moved on to more peaceful days, since it is set 4 years from when all the drama had happened. It is no longer about the hate and the malice, but rather, this movie focuses on reconciliation and resolution.

The original cast was roped in to complete this whole series. Their acting was really solid and fabulous, main actors/actresses and supporting roles alike. Out of the lot, Sonia Sui, as Xie An Zhen, probably stood out the most. Although Sonia Sui started out her career as a model, she has earned quite a good reputation in acting over the years. She has proven that she is more than just a pretty face, and her acting in The Fierce Wife in particular was very affecting and emotive. Co-actor Wen Shen Hao, as Wen Rui Fan, also had a part in making this a success. His comeback as a good man seeking for forgiveness was very sincere and he displayed much depth in character as he faces some dilemma and shock along the way.

This movie was set apart from the rest for many good reasons and it is a continuation of the spirit in the drama series. One of which is empowering women these days to fight for their own rights and pursue their own interest. Some may say it has a strong feministic point of view, but to be fair, it doesn’t hurt to have some media content that is geared towards this direction since it is quite rare. At the very least what was portrayed inside was very realistic and reflective of the society nowadays.

The director and her team behind The Fierce Wife really deserve a toast! They have successfully seen this drama series to its end. The narrative was one that was meaningful and pulled many heart strings, with a great balance and did not turn out to be overly sappy. As much as the director insisted that people who have watched it should not give away the ending, it isn’t that hard to guess anyway. It’s either him, or him! Well, watch it to find it out for yourself!

Movie Rating:

(Finally, it’s the end of the roller coaster ride. Judging by the roaring applause from the viewers when the credits roll, it is definitely a good wrap-up for avid viewers who have been following the drama series.)

Review by Tho Shu Ling

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