"23:59" Production Team to reteam for "INSIDE THE URN"

Following the runaway success of "23:59", Gorylah Pictures, MM2 Entertainment and Clover Films are pleased to announce their next movie project titled "INSIDE THE URN《鬼仔》".

INSIDE THE URN is a supernatural thriller about a family haunted by a Toyol. In South-east Asian folklore, a Toyol is a small child spirit invoked by a witch doctor from a dead human foetus using black magic.

Said executive Producer Eric Khoo, “As a child I was always fascinated and intrigued by the concept of the Toyol and it has taken me years developing this film."

"23:59's" Gilbert Chan will return to the director's seat, working on a script by acclaimed producer Tan Fong Cheng. While this is Tan’s first attempt at scriptwriting, she has previously worked closely with multiple award winning director Eric Khoo, producing many of his films.

The movie, with a budget of S$900,000, is scheduled to commence principal photography in June this year and is aiming for a year-end theatrical release in Singapore and Malaysia.

“We are very happy to work with Gilbert again after the success of 23:59," said executive producer Lim Teck of Clover Films,  "We believe the intriguing storyline coupled with Gilbert’s strong storytelling will give us a movie that will be accessible to audiences worldwide.”

Watch out for more news of INSIDE THE URN soon!
