For a while, cinephiles were still debating the merits of film versus digital projection. Well it seems the debate is almost over.

Golden Village has announced that all its screenings from here on end will be in digital format - which promises sharper images and crystal-clear sound. In fact, this was already foretold earlier in the year when it announced that its upcoming cinema at City Square Mall, set to open at the end of 2012, would only be equipped with digital halls. 

The transition isn't all too far for the rest of the cinema chains. The majority of screenings today, especially big budget releases, are in the digital format, with audiences opting for that due to the apparent benefits in sound and picture clarity. 

Still, the ability to have film - as opposed to digital - projection should not be ignored. Most film festivals hold their screenings in the film format since that is the format provided by the source, and given the short time span between the arrival of the prints and the screenings, there may just not be enough time to convert the print to digital for projection. 

Well, if you ask us, there is a place for both to co-exist - digital for the big-budget Hollywood releases that are best enjoyed in the sharpest picture and sound quality, and film for the more intimate dramas that just don't feel the same in the pristine nature of the digital format. 
