Director: Isao Yukisada
Starring: Takao Osawa, Kou Shibasaki, Masami
Nagasawa, Mirai Moriyama
RunTime: 2 hrs 18 mins
Released By: Cathay-keris Films
Rating: PG
Official Website: http://www.offoffoff.com/film/2005/cryingoutlove.php
Released Date: 7 July 2005
The disappearance of his fiancée, Ritsuko, puzzles
Sakutaro. He travels to Shikoku in search of her, to a town
where he experienced his first love, Aki, a high school classmate.
Things he sees after seventeen years vividly refresh his memories
of vision making him feel as though he were travelling backward
in time… At age sixteen, Sakutaro falls for Aki, the
class idol, who is cast as the heroin in the school play of
“Romeo and Juliet.” Another boy plays Romeo but
Aki calls Sakutaro Romeo. Evidently, their love is mutual.
However, her parents interfere with their romance by forbidding
her to use their phone, so she must communicate with Sakutaro
via recorded cassette messages that a little girl delivers.
The young lovers enjoy the springtime of their lives and spend
a night alone together on an otherwise deserted island. Then
Aki learns that she is suffering from leukemia and her days
are numbered. Her dream is a tour to Ululu in Australia, the
pictures taken and, for fun, pose for a photo of their imaginary
wedding. On a stormy night he secretly spirits Aki from the
hospital to the airport, but all flights are cancelled owning
to the storm. Then a lit attacks her. Though confined to the
hospital, she sends her tapes to Sakutaro, except for the
last one that is missing. After seventeen years, Ritsuko,
Sakutaro’s fiancée, visits the photo studio in
Shikoku and finds the pictures of Sakutaro and Aki in bridal
costumes. She was the little messenger girl, and now she learns
how desperately in love they were. Aki’s final tape,
long missing, at least reaches its destination…
Movie Review:
It is no wonder that this romance emerged as one of the top
films in Japan in 2004. Even though plot elements might seem
similar to classic tearjerker romances like Love Story, with
what the Japanese could do to revamp the horror genre with
its signature atmospheric style, it has adapted a similar
strategy for its romance genre, and the result is this romance
filled with melancholic bittersweet moments.
Matsumoto is getting married to his fiancee Ritsuko Fujimura,
but one day, Ritsuko chanced upon a cassette recording, and
leaves behind a note to Saku that she'll be away, with no
further elaboration.
searching for Ritsuko, we journey with Saku into flashbacks
17 years ago, hich describes his first love with fellow classmate
Aki Hirose, a smart, athletic and popular girl in school.
First loves are always beautiful to remember, and it is no
different for Saku. We share in their pure innocent love,
started out from hanging out together, scooter rides and a
summer vacation outing to a remote island.
learn more about each other through the exchange of cassette
tapes, an excellent plot device along the lines of Il Mare's
snail mail letters, as we listen in on their likes and dislikes,
games that Aki sets for Saku, and most importantly, listening
in to their innermost thoughts. We are also brought to their
favourite haunts as we transition between present and past
with the tapes providing the necessary narrative detail.
Fate, like in Romeo and Juliet, always have a hand in tragedies,
and deals the protagonists a fatal test of their love. In
winning a Sony Walkman from a "Midnight Wave" radio
competition, Saku cited a story about a friend who is suffering
from leukemia, and made Aki upset. Little did he know that
she was indeed a victim of the disease.
at this point, ladies will want to get hold of Kleenex. As
treatment takes its toil, their cassette tapes become all
the more important in the lovers communication, as Aki has
to drop out of school and live in the hospital. They obtain
help from a little girl, who acts as a courier to deliver
the tapes. But with each passing day, hope fades and pessimism
sets in. Not wanting to give up, the lovers share a common
dream that they will one day visit the "Center of the
together - the Ayers Rock in Australia. It isn't much of a
spoiler to reveal what happened, but I'll just leave it at
loose ends are all properly tied up before the movie ends,
and everything comes to a full circle as we discover the truth
behind the relationships between Saku, Aki and Ritsuko. I
feel that it is this discovery and link between the three
that makes this film a powerful one, especially when tragedy
seems to be the common denominator that unites these characters
depth to the story, and to the lives of the protagonists,
is an elderly photographer, one who played a small but extremely
important role in capturing the relationship between our lovers,
and also dispensing advice to Saku based on his own experience
of love lost.
a romance film without beautiful leads? Guys will find their
eye candy in Masami Nagasawa (Aki) and Kou Shibasaki (Ritsuko),
while girls will probably squeal at the boyishly charming
Mirai Moritama (young Saku) or the mature Saku played by Takao
people aside, the film works because the flashbacks and transitions
are so well done, it somehow feels like a chronological narrative
despite the different eras we are brought backwards and forwards
in. Besides Fate, Nature in the form of "Typhoon 29"
also plays a part in the setting of the story between the
different eras, one which drapes the tragic background, and
the other, offering an opportunity for reconciliation.
is surely going into my books as one of the top romances I've
seen, and is in contention as one of my favourite movies this
year. This film definitely has something for those who have
loved and lost, have been or are currently in a relationship.
Movie Rating:
by Stefan Shih