Director: Tony Scott
Starring: Denzel Washington, Val Kilmer,
Paula Patton, Bruce Greenwood, Adam Goldberg, Jim Caviezel
RunTime: 2 hrs 7 mins
Released By: BVI
Rating: PG
Day: 7 December 2006
has experienced the unsettling mystery of deja vu that flash
of memory when you meet someone new you feel you've known
all your life or recognize a place even though you've never
been there before. But what if the feelings were actually
warnings sent from the past or clues to the future? In the
captivating new action-thriller from producer Jerry Bruckheimer
and director Tony Scott, written by Terry Rossio & Bill
Marsilii, it is deja vu that unexpectedly guides ATF agent
Doug Carlin (DENZEL WASHINGTON) through an investigation into
a shattering crime. Called in to recover evidence after a
bomb sets off a cataclysmic explosion on a New Orleans Ferry,
Carlin is about to discover that what most people believe
is only in their heads is actually something far more powerful
and will lead him on a mind-bending race to save hundreds
of innocent people.
Deja vu, that sense of having already experienced
the current situation. It could be a trick of the mind, or
a daydream, but frankly a phenomenon that this movie is capitalizing
on, making it central to its time bending storyline.
Scott reunites with Denzel Washington in this action thriller
set in post Katrina New Orleans. A passenger ferry has been
ripped apart by a bomb, and the authorities are sparing no
effort to bring the culprit to justice. Even when it means
breaking out new technology which offers a peak into the past,
and perhaps even more, though they still require the detective
skills of Doug Carlin (Washington), with experience in the
Oklahoma incident, to help start searching for that perennial
needle in the haystack.
you're of the opinion that all movies manipulating timelines
are hokey because of the implausibility in addressing the
space time continuum convincingly, then Deja Vu is not the
movie for you. Loopholes are always abound in such stories
unless you adopt the singular
point of view of the protagonist, and embark on the journey
through his perspective. It might not make much sense if you
choose to nit pick, but it doesn't mean that compromising
and suspending your disbelief would make this movie any less
vu, that sense of having already experienced the current situation.
It could be a trick of the mind, or a daydream, but at certain
times you can see a number of references to movies like Minority
Report, The Terminator, and even Timecop. Depending on how
you look at it, you might stretch your imagination a little
to assume references from a certain Jim Caviezel character,
and he too has been in a time bending movie before. But for
sure though, the technology employed in this movie seem like
a precursor, and a less fantastical one, to Minority Report's
pre-crime unit and its use of the pre-cogs.
won't spoil your fun by attempting to explain the details
of the science fiction element in the movie, but combining
it with some good old police investigation with a CSI-ish
element in it, somehow makes Deja Vu an enjoyable hybrid.
Denzel Washington again exudes his sheer enigmatic presence
whenever he's in the scene, but here's a role that is quite
generic and didn't exactly exercise his acting range, while
it was a pleasant welcome to see Val Kilmer back on the silver
screen, although again he plays the wingman here as FBI Agent
are many moments in the movie where you might think you know
where it's headed, and at times make you wonder about the
showcase of technology, one involving a pretty interesting
and innovative chase sequence which I thought was something
quite refreshing. Tony Scott too seemed to have woken to the
idea that too many quick cuts done to an overkill fashion
in his previous movie Domino goes unappreciated, and here,
that is cut back dramatically, even though the pacing is frantic,
leading to a finale filled with adequate tension.
definite must for Denzel fans, and clearly a recommended popcorn
flick for the weekend. Just don't try to crack your brains
in deciphering the possible loopholes.
(It's excellent play of the deja vu phenomenon combned with
science fiction technology
makes Deja Vu absolutely fun)
Review by Stefan Shih