Genre: Comedy
Director: Will Gluck
Cast: Emma Stone, Amanda Bynes, Penn Badgley, Cam Gigandet, Lisa Kudrow, Alyson Michalka, Thomas Haden Church, Patricia Clarkson, Stanley Tucci, Malcolm McDowell, Dan Byrd
RunTime: 1 hr 32 mins
Released By: Columbia TriStar
Rating: NC-16 (Sexual References)
Official Website:
Day: 11 November 2010
After a little white lie about losing her virginity gets out, a clean cut high school girl (Emma Stone) sees her life paralleling Hester Prynne's in "The Scarlet Letter," which she is currently studying in school - until she decides to use the rumor mill to advance her social and financial standing.
Movie Review:
I’m going to flat out admit, after watching Easy A, I am falling in love with Olive, the character that Emma Stone plays. She shoots her mouth like a silver bullet and slices her words so skillfully and in much depth and hidden meanings, i just had to applause and click “Like”on her Facebook. Be warned, this quick witted, sharp tongue verbal diarrhea teen flick audience needs to be nimble. They shoot so fast that you’ll miss some of the hidden gems slotted in between.
Easy A is definitely one of the more interesting teen comedy to come out in this generation and ironically takes inspiration from coming of age teen movies from the 80s, eventually seen as an excellent tribute to John Hughes. This is a story of an innocent white lie that took a domino effect which resulted in turning a wall flower girl into a hot adulterer in school, who took advantage gaining her social radar and income. Of cos, even reading this, will tell u this isn’t going to end well.
For a small, relatively unknown comedy, its rather star-studded. With the liking of Amanda Bynes: the religious freak, Thomas Haden Church: the teacher, Lisa Kudrow: the counselling teacher, Malcolm McDowell: the principle, Stanley Tucci & Patricia Clarkson: the parents, Cam Gigandet: Student and Fred Armisen: Pastor. What an ensemble that works so well together and at the same time stood well on their own. Kudos to the parent played by Stanley and Patricia for being the parent every teenager wants who are so fun and easy going its embarrassingly cool.
But nothing can steal away the limelight from Emma Stone for being perfectly casted into the role. In her husky performance, she shines an stands on her ground as a typical high school girl with a not so typical heart of gold and devil-may-care attitude with a carefree air surrounding her. Why no one takes notice of her in school is baffling. Keep a look out for more Stone in the future as i’m betting she will go far.
Don’t be fooled by the chick-flick feel of the poster and story plot summary. This vibrant laugh-out comedy is what Sixteen Candles and Breakfast Club in tone had achieved and met where few even barely touched upon. The genuine emotions and true perspective may be alittle skewed but it’s heart is whole-heartedly there. Definitely not to be missed.
Movie Rating:
(A teen comedy that’s an easy A)
Review by Lokman B S