Genre: Comedy/Romance
Director: Ken Kwapis
Cast: Drew Barrymore, Jennifer Aniston, Scarlett
Johansson, Jennifer Connelly,
Ben Affleck, Ginnifer Goodwin, Kevin Connolly, Bradley Cooper,
Justin Long
RunTime: 2 hrs 9 mins
Released By: Warner Bros
Rating: PG
Official Website:
Opening Day: 19 February 2009
Based on the best-selling book that swept the nation, He’s
Just Not That Into You is coming to the big screen, in a feature
film that is equal parts hilarity and heartbreak. Meet Gigi,
Connor, Alex, Ben, Janine, and Neil – complex people
with complex emotions – all of whom must learn to navigate
the tricky territory of relationships, both old and new. By
the end, some marriages will be over, some will be just beginning,
some old habits will be broken and some new ones will be formed.
But one thing’s for sure…if he’s not calling
you, he’s not sleeping with you, if he’s married
to someone else, or he’s sleeping with someone else…chances
Movie Review:
Even though the boat had been missed in releasing this during
the Valentine's Day weekend, I'm sure there's still much love
to go around for anyone looking for that perfect movie to
bring a date to. And if you're willing to risk whatever you
say, do, or what could be construed as a signal to be under
intense discussions after the credits roll, or be under microscopic
scrutiny, then this film might just be that perfect date movie,
being the tentpole for this season picking up the mantle after
the "P.S. I Love You"s and the "Love Actually"s.
Based upon the book by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo, which
would account for a rather fair portrayal of both sexes in
the interconnecting story arcs here involving a mass ensemble
of characters, you're likely to find it a breeze when the
characters come on screen to say and do the things that would
for Love. Similarly set up in varying degrees of separation,
you won't be hard pressed to see some of them resemble your
friends, colleagues, siblings, spouses, and even that random
internet chatroom acquaintance, or guess what, yourself too.
Even for those who haven't partaken in the ups and downs,
joys and sorrows of hooking up and letting go (under various
circumstances), then perhaps this movie would give you a snapshot
of what to expect in just a little over two hours.
The movie's a talkie one, and enjoyably so because there are
situations that you would have seen, heard or even experienced,
especially if you're a girl. Not being a sexist here, but
the film puts on a platter the challenges almost every female
on the planet from Africa to Japan face, dealing with the
same aged old problem - that their pals can't bear to be brutally
honest, and tend to sugar coat some rather obvious, unpleasant
moments where a guy just simply isn't interested. Cooking
up stories won't help, and the earlier one learns a lesson,
the better. And for anyone wondering why the female mind is
wired in some really complex manner, then the stories here
just sought to continue playing on with such hype/fact.
I felt the ensemble cast did a great job, with Justin Long
as Alex the pub owner cum Uncle Agony, Jennifer Connelly and
Bradley Cooper as a married couple, Jennifer Aniston as Beth
who can't help but want to get married as she sees the institution
as a binding one, and Kevin Connolly as a real estate agent
whose luck seems to be deposited en masse in his career. Too
bad we don't get to hear Scarlett Johansson sing (only included
in the soundtrack) and continuing her screen persona as a
temptress, while Ben Affleck, Drew Barrymore and Kris Kristofferson
just lent their star power, given their characters just turn
out to be cardboard.
I'm not about to spell out each story arc and what each entails,
but given the limited resources in time, do expect certain
arcs to be given more focus and attention, while others just
being a filler between scenes. Even so, the arcs don't overstay
their welcome. I particularly enjoyed the central story of
Gigi (Ginnifer Goodwin), a character who's a little too anxious
in trying to look for her own version of Mr Big, but amongst
all the kooky female characters in the film, this is the one
whom I'll date. Serious.
Watching this film is like watching all the episodes in your
romantic life being laid out bare for you to relive some experience
all over again, whether be it sweet, bitter or just leaving
a bad aftertaste. There are some wonderful one-liners for
comic effect or just to make you do a double take and go "hmmm",
and while what I thought was jarring to the narrative, but
probably more entertaining, were those faux-pas interview
segments where the interviewees go ballistic, mainly for comic
effect, with their free-wheeling personal take on Romance,
and the interpretation of signs and signals.
Nobody said love would be easy, and good advice is always
hard to come by. It's a movie dealing with the affairs of
the heart, and trust me, blood will be drawn when it boils
down to being brutally honest about it. I do agree with some
of the observations here given that I've dished out some and
have been on the receiving end of others. And yes, if I'm
not interested, I won't call too, because it obviously means
I'm just not that into you.
Movie Rating:
(I'm that close to be just so into this)
Review by Stefan Shih