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(Courtesy of Shaw)

Genre: Documentary
Director: Yann Arthus Bertrand
Narration: Glenn Close

RunTime: 1 hr 30 mins
Released By: Shaw
Rating: G
Official Website: http://www.home-2009.com/us/index.html

Opening Day: 5 June 2009


More than a movie, HOME will be a major event all over the globe: for the first time ever, a film will be released on the same day in over 50 countries.

In 200,000 years on Earth, humanity has upset the balance of the planet, established by nearly four billion years of evolution. The price to pay is high, but it's too late to be a pessimist: humanity has barely ten years to reverse the trend, become aware of the full extent of its spoliation of the Earth's riches and change its patterns of consumption.

By bringing us unique footage from over fifty countries, all seen from the air, by sharing with us his wonder and his concern, with this film Yann Arthus-Bertrand lays a foundation stone for the edifice that, together, we must rebuild.

Movie Review:

So 5 June 2009 came and went, and we had our date with the planet by viewing this Yann Arthus Bertrand directed film. You probably weren’t there to experience the movie event which marked World Environment Day. You probably went on with your lives, switching on all the unnecessary electrical appliances without a care in the world, while the world continued spinning around you. Sigh, what a shame then, that you won’t be able to watch this awesome documentary unless you arrange for special group or corporate bookings.

And why is this of utmost importance and urgency? This 90 minute film which will set you thinking about what are the little actions you can take to save planet Earth, and ultimately yourself, from destruction.

The documentary was released on the same day in over 50 countries to mark the global event. French director Arthus Bertrand puts together aerial footages from over 50 countries and illustrates a tale of how humans have upset the balance of the home we live in over the 200,000 years we have inhabited planet Earth. Are we heading towards annihilation? Is there something we can do to change our bad habits of energy consumption? Is there a home that we can rebuild to ensure our survivability?

Through stunning visuals that will leave you dumbfounded, this straightforward documentary awes you with the beauties of nature, and contrasts it aptly with what industrialization has done to these stunning sights. If you are a fan of BBC’s Emmy winning TV series Planet Earth, you would fall in love with this feature film too. The grandeur of Mother Nature is gorgeously captured on film and you can only wonder how magnificent things are in the world out there – what have you been missing out all these years of your life?

Viewers would be overwhelmed by the logistics and efforts put into the production of this visually perfect film. When you see the countries featured during its end credits, you wish you were part of this sincere documentary that sets itself out from the rest of the self important pictures out there.

Complemented by veteran actress Glenn Close’s affecting narration, the film presents itself matter of factly like a Science textbook. Written by the director and Isabelle Delannoy, the script addresses you as the person who should take actions to preserve and save our home from devastation. By the end of the film, facts and figures would have been presented, and it’s really up to you, whether you would continue your bad habits – because the person who will have to pay the price would be you yourself.

Because this film will not have a general release here in Singapore, you may want to gather a group of people whom you categorize under “friends”, “colleagues”, “conservationists”, or as we would like to simply put it, “fellow human beings” to book a group or corporate screening to experience this documentary, and feel the pressing need to do something about saving our home.

For any group/corporate booking queries, please contact:
Ms. Vannessa Phang
Shaw Theatres (www.shaw.sg)
Tel: 6235 2077 ext 295

Movie Rating:

(A relevant documentary that reminds all humans that our actions will have consequences on Mother Earth’s fate years down the road)

Review by John Li


. The 11th Hour (2007)

. An Inconvenient Truth (2006)


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