Genre: Drama/Biography
Director: Douglas McGrath
Starring: Toby Jones, Sandra Bullock, Daniel
Craig, Peter Bogdonovich, Jeff Daniels, Hope Davis, Gwyneth
Paltrow, Isabella Rossellini, Juliet Stevenson, Sigourney
RunTime: 1 hr 58 mins
Released By: Cathay-Keris Films
Rating: M18 (Some Mature Content)
Official Website:
Opening Day: 24 May 2007
"Infamous" follows the dangerous quest for artistic
greatness chosen by Truman Capote (Toby Jones), accompanied
by lifelong friend and Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Nelle
Harper Lee (Sandra Bullock), as he travels to Kansas to investigate
the brutal murder of the Clutter family. Throughout this six
year journey, the eccentric, hilarious and cunning Truman
Capote is definitively revealed: to satisfy his insatiable
ambition. "Infamous" is a compelling study of the
complex and tortured relationship that resulted between Truman
Capote and convicted murderer Perry Smith (Daniel Craig),
a bond formed in a prison cell that brought the destruction
of Capote’s career, as well as his soul.
Divisiveness was always going to rear its disfigured head
as soon as “Infamous” started to make the rounds
a year after Philip Seymour Hoffman lifted his Oscar for Best
Actor in recognition of an exceedingly swollen and mannered
performance as Truman Capote in “Capote”. Both
films centre on similar events, similar scenes and similar
contrivances that led to Capote’s celebrated non-fiction
novel, “In Cold Blood”. Set in the late '50s to
mid-'60s, this very crucial period in Capote’s life
has been postulated as a milestone that marked the rest of
his life as a tortured artist.
Hoffman’s Capote is observed upon as a study on precise
technique, then Toby Jones’s naturally impish, and lively
performance of the man succinctly captures the disparate essences
of both films. “Capote” being the dourer, intellectually
stimulating sibling while “Infamous” fleets by
initially with warmth and ultimately anchors itself with a
frank consideration for Capote’s emotional capacities
and hidden vulnerabilities. Douglas McGrath’s “Infamous”
explores the Faustian tones existing in Capote’s final
bargain in trading his soul for his greatest opus with a certain
sense of gallantry missing from “Capote” by emphasising
the despair of soulnessness rather than just leading up to
what initiates its disintegration.
as the comparisons keep on rolling, the tonally confident
“Capote” does include a showy bravura of supporting
performances, notably from Catherine Keener’s Harper
Lee. Her counterpart, Sandra Bullock adds another layer to
Capote’s confidante by painting her with solemn weariness,
a tortured writer and on a more understated level, as her
closest friend’s keeper and peer. Daniel Craig’s
pre-Bond foray as the convicted murderer, Perry Smith incorporates
further complexities into his poetic brute and the unlikely
attachment that grows between Capote and himself. As far as
fictionalised novelisation goes, “Capote” reserves
a great deal more liberties than “Infamous” posits
in the quiet moments between conflicted writer and the dead
man walking. It all but spells out the sexual dynamics at
the heart of Smith’s tenderly vicious brawny presence
in the tiny jail cell recounting his experiences with the
diminutive and enthralled Capote.
both films succeed on the levels it sets out to be and both
possessing rarely seen strengths, “Infamous” achieves
something in its intrinsic sadness that “Capote”
did not comprehend in its brooding, achingly devastating mood
piece. This one builds a fuller, more personable hypothesis
of Truman Capote, highlighting his flaws and weaknesses suggesting
a greater significance on the person rather than on the circumstances
surrounding him.
(An emotionally driven companion piece to “Capote”
that adds to complexities of the writer)
by Justin Deimen