Genre: Thriller
Director: Wes Craven
Starring: Rachel McAdams, Cillian Murphy, Brian
Cox, Jayma Mays, Laura Johnson
RunTime: 1 hr 25 mins
Released By: UIP
Rating: PG
Day: 1 September 2005
Reisert (Rachel McAdams, Mean Girls, Wedding Crashers) hates
to fly, but the terror that awaits her on the night flight
to Miami has nothing to do with a fear of flying. Moments
after takeoff, Lisa's seatmate, Jackson (Cillian Murphy, 28
Days Later, Batman Begins), menacingly reveals the real reason
he's on board: he is an assassin out to kill a rich and powerful
businessman and Lisa is the key to his success. If she refuses
to cooperate, her own father will be killed by an assassin
awaiting a call from Jackson. Trapped within the confines
of a jet at 30,000 feet, Lisa has nowhere to run and no way
to summon help without endangering her father, her fellow
passengers and her own life. As the miles tick by, Lisa knows
she is running out of time as she desperately looks for a
way to thwart her ruthless captor and stop a terrible murder.
at 85 mins, considering a $9 price, doesn't convince much
entertainment value but the same applies to most rollercoasters
where you have to wait an hour for a ride that last less than
two minutes. For that i consider Red Eye one helluva deal.
Reisert (Rachel McAdams) is taking the red eye back to Miami
after attending her grandmother's Texas funeral. When the
flight is delayed, she strikes up a conversation and shares
a drink with the charming Jackson (Cillian Murphy). As the
plane finally boards, Lisa is pleasantly surprised to discover
she and the good looking young man are sharing a row together.
A fancy appeal starts to develope and an evitable love might
just blossom.
till here, as based on the most misleading trailer, sinister
lurks behind the curtain and thus begins the terror.
Welcome to the tightly wound and tautly executed Red Eye,
the new thriller from "Nightmare on Elm Street"
and "Scream" maestro Wes Craven. This is a stripped-down
adrenalinized crowd-pleaser. It builds suspense expertly,
propelled by the sizzling performances of the two leads, a
reasonably intelligent script and Craven's crackerjack direction.
Sure, it isn't the most original cookie in the jar, but that
doesn't make it any less tasty, this slick B-movie thrill-ride
breaking out is quite a white-knuckled surprise.
To lay it all out, Red Eye doesn't have an original bone in
its entire 85-minute body. Any reasonably intelligent viewer
is going to know what's going to happen from start to finish
long before the characters does. It just doesn't matter, though,
the script doesn't offer anything new, it never treats its
audience with disrespect. Red Eye is easily the single best
big studio old-fashioned suspense to hit screens.
assured and confident as Craven's direction, this is easily
his best work since the original "Scream" he'd be
nowhere without stars McAdams and Murphy. Murphy takes this
villain, carefully crafting a portrait of evil so seductively
chilling it's no reason he's considered one of the finest
young actors working today. certainly isn't the case this
time, almost half the picture dedicated to finding out what
makes Jackson tick.
But, as good as Murphy is, this is McAdams show from start
to finish. Quickly proving herself to be one of best fresh-faced
talents of her generation, this new action heroine has done
everything from light comedy (Mean Girls), to straight romantic
drama (The Notebook), to face-out comedy (Wedding Crashers)
and soared in every one. Now she gets to use all those abilities
in one distinct, emotionally empowering package, her Lisa
emerging as a tightly-wound fireball gaining strength the
closer the plane gets to its final destination.
Craven keeps the claustrophobia high and the pace fast, smoothing
out many of the script's bumpier passages simply by pressing
down upon the accelerator. He also sets everything up beautifully,
showcasing numerous quiet character moments or glimpses of
the people populating the plane all in order to set the stage
for each of the tools and tricks Lisa will need to make a
getaway. It's all very old-school. Over the years, both Phone
Booth and Cellular have succeeded in delivering fast-paced
thrills out of a miniscule concept. Red Eye falls directly
into that camp. Red Eye delivers brisk escapism, hooking viewers
with two solid lead performances and sweeping them in for
its let's-play-along trip.
Not that I want people to think this is anywhere near as good
as it sounds. It's isn't, but by the time rockets are fired,
cars are crashed and a crazed maniac pulls a knife it's still
nearly impossible not to admit Craven's pic is a class B-movie
act. The audience gasped, laughed, jeered and cheered all
the way to the requisite western-style showdown where the
mouse finally finding a way to become the cat's worst nightmare.
Sure it's silly but that doesn't make it any less entertaining.
The key to the movie is it's confident combination of no-frills
familiar formula, suspense tactics exercise, and the varied
touch of collection on stress, fear, and control.
In fact, I'd go so far as to say "Red Eye" is a
flight worth booking.
beats a good-old-fashioned thriller. It'll start you out sitting
comfortably in your seat and will move you to the very edge
when it's done. Wes Craven is BACK!")
by Lokman B S