Genre: Documentary
Director: Michael Moore
Cast: Michael Moore
Runtime: 2 hrs
Released By: GV
Rating: PG
Official Website:
Opening Day: 13 September 2007
SICKO is a straight-from-the-heart portrait of the insane,
often cruel, and always profit-hungry U.S. health care system,
told from the vantage point of everyday people faced with
extraordinary and heartbreaking challenges in their quest
for basic medical care.
Award winning filmmaker Michael Moore’s new movie SICKO
asks his fellow Americans “What is wrong with us?”
Moore shows that U.S. health care ranks last among developed
nations despite costing more per person than any other health
system in the world. Moore seeks answers in Canada, Great
Britain, and France, where all citizens receive free medical
care. Finally, Moore gathers a group of 9/11 heroes rescue
workers now suffering from debilitating illnesses, unable
to receive help at home, and takes them to a most unexpected
place where they receive the tender care unavailable in the
richest nation on earth.
Movie Review:
Canadian filmmaker Debbie Melnyk acknowledges the awful truth
with evident disgust when she calls Michael Moore “a
cultural icon of the left wing” in her documentary,
“Manufacturing Dissent”. Critics and political
pundits argue that Michael Moore is an ideological con artist,
a Machiavellian personification of the left wing’s stronghold
on popular culture and a belligerent egoist. In Moore’s
new documentary, he implicitly recognises this perception
and relays his patented brand of awareness that regards bipartisan
ineptitude and clout consolidation as a key factor (and indirectly
endorsing Senator Obama for Democratic Nominee) that has lead
to a corporate monopoly on healthcare in the United States.
Possibly his most indicting claim in “Sicko” is
not merely the ugly concept of state-sponsored economic discrimination
but that of an insidious social line being drawn between politicians
and the public.
again, the film smugly arrives with self-created controversy
stemming from his unauthorised and illegal jaunt to Cuba with
chronically ill 9/11 volunteers to his strategically publicised
feud with CNN’s Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta,
over disagreements in an independent report refuting Moore’s
claims in the film. And it’s increasingly difficult
to fault Moore’s gung-ho activism over an issue that
directly affects the lives and well being of the many faces
he presents on screen: from the man who had to choose between
two of his severed fingers to the old woman who was literally
dumped outside a less exclusive hospital by another healthcare
facility by one of its staffers.
his most evasive manoeuvring to date, Moore frequently hides
behind his choice of interviewees over the issues he accuses
the venal system that red tape and corporate governance propagates,
such as an interracial couple lamenting their loss on grounds
of prejudice and homelessness resulting from the depredation
of the elderly, to the larger picture of the insurance companies’
heinous valuation of human lives as nothing more than protecting
its bottom line. This is Moore’s most infuriating and
ambitious feature film as he draws back the stitches and prods
the open wound of his country’s state of social welfare.
horror stories come thick and fast with a gradual emphasis
on the privatisation of welfare and the systematic disregard
of moral outrage. And by not just elucidating the toxic idiosyncrasies
of the status quo but by also rarifying fringe social problems
that undermines the most basic human rights, the film routinely
jumps from and relates individual anecdotes to national crises.
Moore builds to an affected climax that explicitly chips away
at the storied history of democracy and capitalism in the
United States by cheerfully proclaiming that even socialist
Cuba’s healthcare system, including the treatments offered
to prisoners in Guantanamo Bay are superior to that available
to unemployed 9/11 volunteers whose respiratory problems originated
from the pollutants at the World Trade Center’s ground
zero. To his credit, Moore’s self-serving and elongated
stunt at the end belies the truth of “Sicko” in
that this is his most grounded film to date by largely avoiding
the broad comedic schtick he has been prone to do. He manages
an expressive connection to his audience (a staunchly pro-Moore
one at that, to be sure) and to lays the groundwork for his
most poignant images. He responds on a fundamentally emotional
level and not the facetiously droll manner that he purports
through the rest of his oeuvre.
Moore’s jackhammer touch to documentary filmmaking mirrors
his simplistic notion of the political battlefield, it’s
no surprise that the film’s more informative and furious
moments arrive not from the filmmaker’s rampant postulations
but from actual research and questions asked - "Where
did it all begin?" the voiceover looms. Reaching back
into 1971, Nixon hands over healthcare administration to the
likes of Edgar Kaiser (whose Kaiser Permanente is now the
largest health insurance company in the country) in an attempt
for pockets of government to profit from its citizenry.
of Moore’s favourite uses of fiction is his single-sided
comparison of the United States to countries abroad, aside
from Canada and the aforementioned Cuba, Moore jetsets to
Europe – France and England to be specific. Reacting
as if he knew the answer, Moore insincerely talks to groups
of middle-class expatriates who, over glasses of champagne
and chic cuisine overbearingly regale us (and mostly the drooling
Moore) of their good fortune in escaping from the United States’
tyranny for the good life. But it’s telling that Moore
never truly addresses France’s turmoil surrounding its
lower economic banlieues, which in its own way reflects the
United States’ poorer neighbourhoods and social strata.
Moore uses the tools of the editor to break the rules of the
journalist. After a couple of worldwide hits on his hands,
it’s understandable that he does away with the hurdle
of subversion by playing up his disregard for his detractors
and the establishment that has allowed him to make his wealth
and stroke his ego. “Sicko” has its fair shares
of Moore-esque developments that are disgustingly shameless
and reductive such as his overly amused façade at “anonymously”
donating funds to the owner of an anti-Moore website whose
wife needed treatment. The film in essence works best not
as a polemicising rant against Moore’s opponents but
as a persuasive reminder for Americans to exercise awareness
over the noxious political entities gambling over life and
death right in their country every day.
Movie Rating:
follow-up to “Fahrenheit 9/11” is his most personal
and heartfelt film)
Review by Justin Deimen