Genre: Horror/Thriller
Director: Lee Jong-Yong
Cast: Sun Eun-Seo, Jang Kyeong-Ah, Song Min-Jeong,
Oh Yeon-Seo, Yu Shin-Ae
RunTime: 1 hr 28 mins
Released By: Cathay-Keris Films & Encore
Rating: PG (Some disturbing scenes)
Official Website:
Opening Day: 17 July 2010
BLOOD PLEDGE follows the story of four schoolgirls in a Catholic
high school - Unjoo, Soy, Eugene and Eun-young, who swear
their friendship
with blood late one night at chapel within their school compound.
The BFFs
(best-friends-forever) promise each other that their bond
will last through
death, so much that they are even willing to die together.
However, there is
more than meets the eye when one of them commits suicide one
night. Will their blood pledge of eternal friendship still
Movie Review:
?With the recent case of suicide of students committing such extreme acts so close
to home. Its hard not to peel away on what goes through their mind. It may be as
mundane as a failed test or in another different spectrum, being careless and
getting yourself pregnant. All these reason may be minute to others but timing and
setting all plays a part of their decisions. With these, its easily a topic well
plucked for a genre film no stranger to the Korean and Japanese horror schlock.
Set in an all girls school, a suicide shocked the grounds of these idyllic nature
and stirred the emotions of students. Accusations abound and secrets upturned, the
film slowly unveils one clue at a time (with a little red herring to throw us off
track) the mystery that surrounds it. It could have been a quite vengeful little
tight-nit horror film but alas, the bad editing and rather confusing non-linear
story telling threw me off a little that made the viewing less enjoyable. And it
didn’t help that i only managed to finally tell them apart after 15 mins through the
Loyalty and deep friendship has been one topic that binds us to levels that one can
only imagine. But this takes the cake. A wholeheartedly day-time soap drama of the
extremes, this horror bound leaves us not much of a creep factor but rather a more
typical in your face boos and will set your heart racing. Not to fret as each scare
tactics will be much anticipated with enough time for you to cover your eyes with
your hands.
Casted mostly with unknowns and first time actresses, acting may at times be a tad
over the top. Writer-director Jong-yong Lee, known for being the writer to Sympathy
for Mr. Vengeance, has successfully created a compound setting that is perfect for
such matters but with loop holes scattered around and poor arrangement, his work is
less than expected.
All girls cast, copy/paste scare tactics, choppy style presentation, K-horror is on
a decline. Serve us a new platter willya?
Movie Rating:
(Scare worthy but not worth jumping off the roof)
Review by Lokman B S