Genre: Drama/Mystery
Director: Atom Egoyan
Starring: Kevin Bacon, Colin Firth, Alison
Lohman and Rachel Blanchard
RunTime: 1 hr 48 mins
Released By: GV & Festive Films
Rating: R21
Official Website:
Opening Day: 20 April 2006
In the 50's, Lanny Morris (Kevin Bacon) and Vince Collins
(Colin Firth) are the most beloved entertainers in America.
They are at the top of their game, wealthy, powerful, and
enormously popular, when something terrible happens to threaten
their success. Inexplicably, a dead beauty turns up in their
hotel suite. Their reputations are sullied but, thanks to
rock-solid alibis, neither is charged with the crime. Their
partnership, on the other hand, is destroyed. The reason for
the break-up of Morris and Collins becomes one of show business'
greatest mysteries.
Movie Review:
Perhaps its reputation for the famous threesome preceded this
film, that lure of the skin being one of the attractions to
account for its overcrowded preview. In reality, Where The
Truth Lies is a terrific mystery which draws the audience
into its plot, slowly feeding our curious minds which always
want to find out more. It had the effect of providing clues
bit by bit, and allowing your brain cells to go into overdrive,
testing out possibilities and hypotheses as the narrative
develops on screen.
on a novel by Rupert Holmes, director Atom Egoyan manages
to keep the suspense throughout the movie by having the audience
recount the fateful events from different points of view,
of course some are made up, modified, or total red herrings.
Everyone has something to hide, an agenda of their own to
fulfill, and it will have you patiently wait for each nugget
of information to answer burning questions.
celebrities are perceived to be leading lives full of sex,
drugs, rock and roll. Needless to say, the paparazzi have
never been favoured by celebrities, especially when their
private lives are encroached upon. Being famous, you might
live in constant fear that your deepest darkest secret, once
revealed, will impact your popularity and career. Lanny Morris
(Kevin Bacon) and Vince Collins (Colin Firth) are successful
show-business buddies, and their electrifying pairing
made them household names in the 50s. Their latest venture
is a massive telethon to raise funds for polio sufferers,
but having successfully hosting it and coming out unscathed,
everyone was in for a rude shock when a dead naked girl (Rachel
Blanchard) was found in the bathtub of their hotel room.
the mystery began. Who was the girl? What was she doing there?
What exactly happened in that room, and more importantly,
who murdered her?
years later, Karen O'Connor (Alison Lohman), a beautiful young
journalist, embarks on an
investigative look into that fateful day. The Morris-Collins
partnership had since disbanded, but
she manages to track them down (love that Pan-Am moment),
and convinces them to tell her their side of the story. However,
being a fan of the both of them, how would she stay impartial
for her work, and being personally entangled with the both
of them, just made matters worse. But in most mysteries, most
characters are more than meets the eye, even Karen.
the plot progresses right until the ending, you will be left
guessing all the way. What works is that this is no simple
run-off-the-mill mystery. It is layered, and you'll wonder
at each point in time, who's the manipulator, who's calling
the shots, and who's working behind the scenes. The delivery
as a mystery cannot be faulted as it presented the re-tellings
of events in a noir like fashion with narration, but if I
had a gripe, it would be the final revelation which could
have been done in a more engaging fashion. Not that it didn't
work, but it could have been done better than the conventional
two-way dialogue presented.
Bacon, the central figure in most celebrity 6-degree games,
provides many facades to his
entertainer Lanny Morris role. The comedian, singer, charmer,
buddy, all rolled into one. Providing the opposite is Colin
Firth, while having a chameleon of a role as well, has slightly
more darker undertones, especially with a surprising mean
streak. Perhaps it fit the notion of actors/entertainers well,
that when on screen, their persona is the all-friendly-all-smiles
front, that who will truly know what the person is like off
screen, and in private? Do teen starlets need to shed their
clothes to get recognition? Alison Lohman and Rachel Blanchard
did their tour of duty here, though you can argue whether
the nudity was required and really essential
to the plot.
go ahead, don't be shy if you're attracted to just the skin.
You'll be in for a surprise as you get drawn into the mystery
this movie has to offer.
Movie Rating:
satisfying suspense filled mystery which plays into the audience's
by Stefan Shih