In Mandarin & Hokkien with English and Chinese subtitles
Genre: Drama/Musical
Director: Royston Tan
Cast: Mindee Ong, Yeo Yann Yann, Qi Yu Wu,
Liu Ling Ling, May and Choy
RunTime: 1 hr 50 mins
Released By: GV/Zhaowei Films/Mediacorp Raintree
Pictures/Scorpio East Pictures
Rating: PG
Official Website:
Opening Day: 9 August 2007
881 tells the story of two childhood friends who grow up mesmerized
by the glitz and glamour of ‘Getai’ and dream
of one day performing on the ‘Getai’ stage. After
being blessed by the Goddess of ‘Getai’, they
fulfill their dreams and become the most sought-after pair
of ‘Getai’ singers ever.
Unbeknownst to them, rival sister group the Durian Sisters
have become intensely jealous of the Papayas' success, and
are determined to trip them up by messing up their schedule.
With the help of their gangster Godfather, the Durians succeed
in shutting the Papayas out of many ‘Getai’ performances.
The movie climaxes with a dramatic musical battle. Both sides
pull out all the stops to win over the audience.
Movie Review:
There’s no better argument for the severity of form
witnessed in Royston Tan’s “4:30” than his
Getai (song stage) themed, “881”. The film’s
dangerously epileptic flashiness is pockmarked with plenty
of familiar Stephen Chow paraphernalia – pandemonium,
mania, indulgency, lunacy etc – as if to suggest a broadening
of his repertoire to include more commercially viable (potentially
vapid) notches to his belt. And to his credit, Tan channels
more than just the Hong Kong comic maestro’s playfully
absurdist takes on conventional wisdoms but also audaciously
attempts to mimic filmmaking compatriot Jack Neo’s distinctive
use of local patois to reinforce his assaults on the heartland’s
fragile sensibilities, and in the process finds himself traversing
the same pitfalls Neo’s seemingly encumbered by even
after a decade.
drops a bomb of overwhelming pageantry on the serious business
of Getai, a series of concerts performed for spirits during
the seventh lunar month in various estates around Singapore.
While being ethnically isolating or perhaps just intensely
focused on a singular Singaporean theme, the film aggrandises
the antics assumed with the sub-culture and amplifies it into
camp hyperventilation. Much of the fun comes from the acceptance
of musical staples (songs apparently culled from real Getai
sources) with no requirement to pin down a number against
the hoary extravagance of a Getai stage or inside a character's
stylistic flourishes through explosions of colour and visual
panache, aims for ebullience when its main duo, the Papaya
sisters (Yeo Yann Yann and Mindee Ong) relish in their newly
refined ability to sing, granted by a flamboyantly decked
out Goddess of Getai played by a fearlessly exuberant Liu
Ling Ling in a separate role, in addition to the sisters’
goofy guardian and mother to a stoic stud (Qi Yu Wu) who refuses
to choke his chicken from time to time.
the film certainly takes its time in circling the drain at
its terminus, taking a few pit stops into accidental hilarity
along the way through the sheer overwrought verbosity of familial
melodramatics that border on parody and eventually desiccates
the brimming life force from the rest of the proceedings that
endeavours to move along at the speed of light. Granted, eventually
Tan soldiers through the silliness of taking a crack at female
bonding to get to its inevitable, grandiose showdown between
the Durian skanks and petite yet potent Papaya sisters, but
by then all anyone can be thankful for is that Royston Tan
understands that a good cock joke never grows old.
Movie Rating:
(Solid entertainment for the most part, Royston Tan’s
attempt at Stephen Chow delivers more hits than misses)
Review by Justin Deimen