In Korean with English and Chinese subtitles
Genre: Horror/Thriller
Director: Yoon Seon-Dong
Cast: Hwang Jung-eum, Yoon Si-yoon, Park
Ji-yeon, Park Eun-bin, Ji Chang-wook, Yoon Seung-a, Sohn Ho-joon,
Choi A-jin, Nam Bo-ra, Yeoh Min-ju, Kwon Hyun-sang
RunTime: 1 hr 24 mins
Released By: Cathay-Keris Films & InnoForm
Rating: M18 (Gore and Violence)
Official Website:
Opening Day: 21 April 2011
Synopsis: The story takes place during summer vacation where 30 high school students are taking special classes. Locked in the building, one by one, the students face horrible deaths and the only clue is a strange puzzle that has to be solved. They are forced to use whatever means necessary to survive the long night…
Movie Review:
The first “Death Bell” was a
sleeper hit in the summer of 2008, so it is no surprise that
the producers would attempt a sequel to cash in on the popularity
of the first movie. But even the most die-hard fans of the
low-budget original would probably be disappointed by this
classic case of ‘sequelitis’, as “Death
Bell 2” essentially rehashes the same premise with a
different group of actors and substitutes gore for any kind
of genuine horror.
Just as its predecessor, this is about a
bunch of elite high-school students who discover themselves
the targets of a mysterious slasher while back in school during
the holidays cramming for their college entrance exams. Of
course, given the demise of most of the characters from the
first movie, there is no relation- cast or character-wise-
between the two films.
Not that it matters really- director Yoo
Sun Dong wastes little time in setting up the events leading
up to that fateful night over which the subsequent killings
unfold, including a prelude which tells of the death of the
school’s champion swimmer Tae-yeon (Yoon Seung Ah) whose
vengeful spirit is but one of the red herrings the movie uses
later on to distract you from the identity of the killer.
Indeed, when Tae-yeon turns out to be one
of the most fleshed-out characters in the movie, you can guess
how little time, effort or interest Yoo has in letting his
audience get to know the other hapless teens. This only means
that one probably feels little for any of the characters as
they meet their demise, but again the purported highlight
of the movie- as was the original- is its numerous gory killings.
Yet aside from one that takes place along
the school corridor with the killer riding a motorbike with
metal spokes on its wheels, the death traps lack the ingenuity
that gore-hounds would have already seen in “Saw”.
Yoo also exhibits none of the dexterity in pacing and editing
that his predecessor’s director Chang had, and these
scenes of carnage hardly excite or thrill. And no, dumping
copious amounts of blood onscreen isn’t going to satisfy
audiences already de-sensitised from the “Saws”
and “Hostels” of Hollywood.
What ultimately saves the movie is its intriguing
whodunit which throws suspicion on the culpability of some
of Tae-yeon’s fellow students in her death. The trio
of screenwriters (Lee Gong-Joo, Lee Jeong-Hwa and Park Hye-Min)
spend considerably more time and thought on this in the second
half of the movie, and their attempt to find motive and motivation
behind these killings turns out more compelling than one would
expect. Ditto for the surprisingly heartfelt ending, which
reaffirms that the dead don’t always return just for
if the final reveal lacks surprise, it is no thanks to Yoo’s
directorial ineptness, clearly evident right from the start
by his inability to build any sort of suspense in the story
or engineer some clever inventive kills to hold his audience’s
attention. Never mind that “Death Bell 2” recycles
its material from the original, what’s most inexcusable
is how it manages to do so even worse than its predecessor
Movie Rating:
(Plenty of gore but little else by way of thrills
or suspense, this sequel is no more than an inferior copy
of its predecessor)
Review by Gabriel Chong